女生签名简单干净温柔英文 短句
女生签名简单干净温柔英文 短句
1.If you're not good enough, you don't deserve it.
2. The bell meets the wind to ring, sees your heart disorderly bump
3.Fortunately to know your peach blossom face, from now on crisscrossing much warm spring
4.White tea qinghuan nothing else, I am waiting for the wind is waiting for you.
5.I love to eat strawberries, strawberry juice, strawberry jelly not line, just like I love you, looks like you can't, temper like you can't, all in all not you can't.
6.The spring breeze ten li is not as good as you, the summer yangmanshan is not as good as you, the autumn rain is not as good as you, the white snow in winter is not as good as you, dream dream outside is you
7.Mr. Lao she once said that in the past there was no rouge girl's face only for lover red
老舍先生曾说 从前的从前 没有胭脂 姑娘的脸只为情郎红
8.Laugh it off, don't like the world of mortals. Love one person all your life
一笑而过不喜红尘 穷极一生只爱一人,遇见你是我最美的意外
9.Carefree, charming and lovely.
10.It's all about you. It's all about romance.
11.Both can be collected with you.
12.What's the honor? It's meeting you all over the world.
13.Love yourself is the most romantic thing in this life.
14.Because I met a gentle person, so I want to be gentle.
15.People who watch the sunset together are more romantic than the sunset.
16.May all your love and loyalty be exchanged for years of tenderness.
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